1. Synthesis Edited by Dr. Frederik Schroyens2. Materia Medica of Homeopathic Medicines By Dr. S.R. Phatak3. Materia Medica by Boericke4. Concordant Materia Medica by Frans Vermeulen5. Homeopathic Therapeutics by Samuel Lilienthal6. How to find the simillimum with Boger-Boenninghausen's Repertory by Dr. Bhanu D. Desai7. The Dynamics and Methodology of Homeopathic Provings by Jeremy Sherr8. Organ diseases of Women and Sterility by Burnett J. C. 9. Sankaran's Schema by Dr. Rajan Sankaran10. Organon of the Medical Art by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann11. Organon of Medicine by Samuel Hahnemann Student Edition12. Spirit of the Organon by Dr. Tapan Chandra Mondal13. The theory of Chronic Disease according to Hahnemann by George Dimitriadis14. 欧米医学の最先端 ホメオパシー療法入門 ジュディス・R・ウルマン&ロバート・ウルマン15. 新世紀の医学ホメオパシー ジョージ・ヴィソルカス16. 効くアロマセラピー 川端一永17. 心を癒す花の療法 ノラ・ウィークス18. Bach flower remedies text book 白石由利奈19. からだのしくみと病気がわかる事典 高田明和20. The Fragrant Mind by Valerie Ann Worwood21. Meditations Ritu